If there is am audio delay, go to 'Project Settings -> Audio -> DSP Buffersize' and set it to 'Best Latency'. This delay also happens with Bluetooth speakers or headphones.
When setting a particle system to inherit initial velocity from the emitter, the particles cannot be emitted at start. Set a delay to something like 0.01
When setting euler angles to set transform rotation, remember to subtract 180 from any axis that is greater or equal to 360.
When making some looping movement when you do not want the root animation to be in the final animation, like a walk cycle, f-curve modifiers can do non-destructive root movement for you.
To make a crease map, flip the normals towards the inside of the mesh and bake the AO. Make sure the AO distance is small enough.
To make an object look big, give it lots of detail to shrink its "atom" size.
To give a mesh "random" variation without permanently skewing the mesh, use the displacement modifier with a cloud texture.
The ExecuteAlways attribute will only work on GameObjects with no parent; they have to be in the main stage.
GameObjects instantiated in-game are not connected to their original prefab. Use this editor tool to restore the prefab link. (alt link)
If any editor tools are added, put them into an "Editor" folder that is a child of the "Assets" folder. Unity will exclude this folder from the build. Also applies to "Plugins".
Have some enemies attempt to flank if in a group. Having enemies stare at the player as they avoid obstacles (with LOS, of course). At distance, enemies can break into a run or jog (can override staring).
In the blend importer rig tab, choose to create a avatar from model and select the root bone (most likely hips is the best root-deform bone). In the blend import animation tab, you can choose what part of the root motion you want to bake out per animation: rotation, Y, or XZ. Make sure to use the avatar on the animator component.
To properly export blends, armatures included, open the export .FBX options in Blender. Set the scale to 0.01. In the armature tab, set the primary bone axis to Z and the secondary bone axis to -X. Turn off leaf bones. The objects still require their rotation to be applied at -90 on the X axis though.
To use linked duplicates as level kits to later merge meshes, the linked data needs to be made unique. This can be done by going to Object -> Relations -> Make Single User -> Objext and Data. Now that the linked duplicates have their own unique meshes, they can be joined into a bigger level mesh.
If the node just has its parent changed, it will not respect its old global transform values.
var childGlobalPosition = myNode.GlobalPosition;
var childGlobalRotation = myNode.GlobalRotation;
myNode.GlobalPosition = childGlobalPosition;
myNode.GlobalRotation = childGlobalRotation;
Time should not be used to define the frequency of the trig waves. To add an independant turbulance to the waves, there needs to be another input that defines the wave. For something like a shader, the world position is usually used. Time then needs to be used to travel down the defined wave. Here's a sample:
wave = SIN(position / turbulance + time * speed) * amplitude